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Saturday, 19 May 2018

Cardinal Tagle laments ‘crisis of truth’

Cardinal Tagle laments ‘crisis of truth’

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle calls for prayers and fasting against the “crisis of truth” the country is facing today. ROY LAGARDE

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle has said the country is on the brink of “crisis of truth” and warned that among its casualties is the common good.

In a letter to Manila’s parishes, he lamented the continued spread of fake news and the growing legal debacle throughout the country.

Without citing a specific issue, he said that legal experts give the country “conflicting interpretations” of basic questions of law.

“The crisis of truth has sown seeds of suspicion, mistrust and fragmentation. Partisan politics has turned into political ‘tribalization’. The common good is one of the first casualties,” said Tagle.

Saying that the country needs “renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit,” he declared May 20 to 31 as days of prayer, fasting and action “for truth and common good”.

At 3pm, he ordered the ringing of church bells to commemorate Jesus’ death and the praying of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy in parish churches, chapels, convents, schools, homes, and offices.

“We accompany our prayer with fasting,” Tagle said. “Through fasting we redirect our focus from ourselves and our groups to the community.”

For those who cannot engage in fasting due to sickness or age, the archdiocese has recommended concrete actions of charity and service.

The cardinal also encouraged parishes, convents and schools to organize “feasts of truth and love” over the 12-day period.

These include, he said, activities that promote charity and reconciliation and even the holding forums on the Constitution, Charter change, and federalism.

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